Get prepared for your GMAT test now!

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Step-to-Step Approach to GMAT Test

"One stop solution for your better GMAT scores"

What is GMAT?

Graduate Management Admission Test is an admission test to MBA schools across length and breadth of the U.S.A. and to some top MBA schools of India, New Zealand, Germany, and others. GMAT is a Computer Adaptive Test. It is a standardized test and offers tough competition to a test taker.

The GMAT measures your skills that are highly important business and management programs at the graduate level. These include analytical writing and problem-solving abilities, along with the data sufficiency, logic and critical reasoning skills. The business schools and programs use the GMAT to compare candidates as a common measure. The GMAT scores play a major role when it comes to getting into competitive business programs. In repeat research studies, GMAT Scores have been found to be an accurate predictor of academic success in the first year of an MBA or the graduate management program. The GMAT score ranges from 200 to 800.

The GMAT Test Contents

The GMAT is computer adaptive meaning you are given each question based on your ability level. It measures your verbal, mathematical, integrated reasoning, and analytical writing skills that you have developed over the years.

The test has 4 sections:

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA, 0-6): Measures reasoning and construction of a written analysis.
  2. Integrated Reasoning (IR, 1-8): Measures the ability to analyze and synthesize data from multiple sources and in different formats to solve complex problems.
  3. Quantitative (0-60): Measures the ability to reason quantitatively and discern how much data are needed to solve problems.
  4. Verbal (0-60): Measures the ability to analyze texts, draw inferences, and convey meaning effectively in English.

The GMAT Total score (200-800) is based on performance on the Quantitative and Verbal sections. The scores are valid for 5 years.

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